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5 best practices for communicating with parents

Sujata Wycoff — 09/28/21 — It takes very few push notifications for most mobile users to turn off app notifications. While most parents are invested in their children’s education and want to be “in the know,” schools must be strategic and purposeful in how they are communicating. Bombarding parents with messages is not an effective way to keep them informed and engaged... (Read More)

man in business attire talking into megaphone

Five Benefits of a District-Wide Communication Platform

John Karstetter — 07/22/21 — When our school district wanted to replace existing classroom communications apps nearly four years ago, we searched for a solution that could streamline our operations, provide oversight of all communications, and adhere to our district’s privacy requirements. We found what we were looking for in a safe and secure platform... (Read More)

student looking at tablet

6 communication and technology trends worth keeping

Jason Borgen — 07/13/21 — As the chief technology officer at Santa Cruz County Office of Education in California, my teams and I faced many challenges when the COVID-19 pandemic hit -- but we also found some silver linings. For example, we witnessed significant advances on the communications front as our schools turned to technology to help them create stronger... (Read More)

communications platform

Four Unexpected Benefits from Our Districtwide Communication Platform

John Karstetter — 07/12/21 — Like most districts, our whole world changed overnight in March 2020. We all left for Spring Break, thinking that we’d be back in class the following Monday. A few days later, we received a shocking message: not only would we not be returning to campus as planned, but we had no idea how long the hiatus from in-classroom learning would last.... (Read More)

THE Journal

Implementing a Unified Communication Platform to Build Community Trust

Bruce Potter — 07/01/21 — When I joined Mechanicville City School District in 2019, I immediately noticed that communications to students and their families were few and far between. I also noticed that communications between our district and homes only included input from select staff and wasn’t a collaborative effort. Instead of families receiving the entire story... (Read More)

viral particles in a classroom

Navigating customer service in the age of the pandemic

ANUPAMA VAID FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT, PARENTSQUARE June 15, 2021 — When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in early 2020, and schools looked likely to close, we knew the need for safe, secure school-to-home communication was going to skyrocket. Our first step was to ramp up our organizational capabilities behind-the-scenes. Every team from across the organization... (Read More)

ParentSquare Logo

The Learning Counsel - App of the Week | ParentSquare is the premier unified school-to-home communications platform for K-12 education

ParentSquare is the premier school-to-home engagement platform for K-12 education. It is the only fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services — all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place. Schools know who is not being reached, and have the reports and tools to improve... (Read More)

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30 questions to ask when selecting a unified district communication platform

Pete Just — May 4, 2021 — Just as most legacy communications systems have been pieced together, with various systems unable to talk to each other, most school districts have cobbled together their school-to-home communication technology platforms by adding one program at a time. As is often the case with legacy systems, each stakeholder group has its own preferred method... (Read More)

unified school-to-home communications

Has your district unified school-to-home communications?

April 16, 2021 — Maintaining efficient and effective communication with students’ families is challenging in the best of times, but it’s become even more onerous—and critical—during the global pandemic. The shift to 100 percent remote online learning tested communication capacity in districts nationwide, with many school districts turning to comprehensive communications... (Read More)

GeekWire Tech Moves

Tech Moves: Adaptive Biotech co-founders join life sciences SPAC; new edtech execs; and more

April 15, 2021 — Longtime education technology consultant Frank Catalano has joined Santa Barbara, Calif.-based ParentSquare as chief marketing officer. He is based in Seattle. Founded in 2011, ParentSquare is an engagement platform for K-12 students used by school districts, educators and families... (Read More)


WSCUHSD approves COVID-19 Safety Plans to reopen in hybrid model

April 5, 2021 — On March 30, the West Sonoma County Union High School District board approved the COVID-19 Safety Plans (CSPs) required for each of the district’s three schools to reopen in a hybrid model in less than two weeks. The trustees also authorized facilities director Jennie Bruneman to purchase roughly 450 laptops for the incoming freshmen this fall to use for their four years in the district... (Read More)

EdTech Today Podcast with Kevin Hogan

EdTech Needs to Embrace Parents Post-Pandemic - MarketScale EdTech Today Podcast

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. — March 16, 2021 — Not even one month into his new role as Chief Strategy Officer at ParentSquare and Chad Stevens has created the first and possibly most important edtech acronym for 2021. In this episode of EdTech Today, Chad drops the particulars of Parent Relationship Management (PRM) and how the present technologies that kept families connected to schools during COVID will only improve as we move past it... (Read More)

As Districts Return to Remote Learning, Are They Any Better Prepared?

December 10, 2020 — When educators describe their frenzied switch to remote learning in the spring, most talk about being caught off guard. Some mention how little they knew then—about virtual learning, as well as the virus that forced them out of their school buildings... (Read More)

Carson City School Superintendent Richard Stokes

Evaluation: Carson City schools’ superintendent ‘exceptional’ during COVID

November 29, 2020 — Carson City School Superintendent Richard Stokes received a “very satisfactory” rating from the Board of Trustees on his annual evaluation Tuesday, with trustees acknowledging the difficulties that have come since COVID-19 first presented in March... (Read More)

Watertown City School District Parent Square using ParentSquare

ParentSquare Featured in ABC50 InformNNY News Segment Highlighting Watertown City School District's Preparation for School Re-Openings

September 3, 2020 — Schools in the North Country are preparing to reopen their doors for the first time since March in less than a week. With new COVID-19 guidelines and months of preparation, many districts have chosen to utilize the app ParentSquare... (Read More)


Many school districts turn to ParentSquare to communicate during pandemic

WATERTOWN, N.Y. August 20, 2020 — As the first day of school nears, communication between parents and teachers is more important than ever because of COVID-19. If you haven't heard of the app ParentSquare, you may soon. Superintendents in the area are calling it a "one-stop shop" for all things school-related... (Read More)


ParentSquare Creates a Virtual Conversation Starter for Parents and Teachers

July 1, 2012 — Peabody Charter School parent Anupama Vaid thought there had to be a better way for elementary school parents and teachers to communicate so she created ParentSquare, an online portal that combines announcements, calendars, fundraisers and wish lists in one place... (Read More)

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